PaaS: What is it? What are it’s advantages and disadvantages?

Even if the drawbacks of cloud computing are incidental and almost negligible, the advancements in technology will surely eliminate them in the years to come. An increasing number of companies across various industries have their hardware and software components — such as servers, storage, frameworks, tools, ready-made app — delivered over the internet. This has become possible due to the development of cloud computing services that are represented by SaaS, PaaS and IaaS solutions. In today’s article, we will focus on the platform as a service model, telling you about PaaS advantages and disadvantages, as well as advising you on when to choose this solution for your business. Software as a Service is the most popular form of cloud computing application today.

Still, because they all fall into the category of “PaaS,” your clients may assume they’re all the same. Here are seven potential Platform as a Service disadvantages and how managed services providers (MSPs) can help their clients avoid mistakes that can negate ROI. There are various types of PaaS service providers present that has very useful features. Companies are using PaaS as they develop their own SaaS, as they migrate to the cloud and while creating cross-platform applications that can be used on any device. Popular PaaS
providers include AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Microsoft Azure App Services, Google App Engine, IBM Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift. Once a PaaS product is deployed, IT pros are tasked with ensuring everyone is up to speed and understands the new process.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

PaaS passes on a bit of more responsibility for IT management from client to cloud vendor. Co-Owner & CTO of software and product development company Geniusee – specializing in innovations and Fintech. The platform may not be compatible with all technologies and tools that the Devs team is using.

  • Because cloud computing and solutions are based on web applications; designers are no longer constrained by on-site technology.
  • PaaS includes infrastructure (servers, storage, and networking) and platform (middleware, development tools, database management systems, business intelligence, and more) to support the web application life cycle.
  • Serverless applications are triggered by a specific event and launch instantly while in PaaS, it takes some time for the applications to be up and running.
  • This model enables businesses to use different clouds for different purposes.
  • Along with IaaS and SaaS, PaaS appears as another option to optimize processes, generate savings in the production chain and give impetus for companies to grow in a sustainable and scalable way.
  • Offered via a cloud service provider’s hosted infrastructure, PaaS users are traditionally able to access a software development platform via a web browser.
  • In addition, cloud providers use highly restricted data, encryption, and security procedures to guarantee that your data is not accessible to unauthorized persons or systems.

A good place to start is data loss prevention tools and managed threat and detect services. Many cloud service providers use a ‘shared responsibility’ model, so you will have to ensure you implement your own strategies for looking after your data and activity in the Cloud. Your business can enjoy guaranteed financial freedom by acquiring cloud solutions and services from a cloud service provider. This will help your organization determine how much you are prepared to spend on services, allowing you to maintain a consistent monthly payment.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

While SaaS providers ensure application uptime and availability, data protection is the customers’ responsibility. Cloud computing often reduces the need for large in-house IT teams as most of the data management is handled by the cloud service provider. Since cloud computing systems are all internet-based, there is no way to avoid downtime. Moreover, if you are in a place with no connectivity, you will not be able to access the data, software, or applications on the cloud.

PaaS providers provide various databases such as ClearDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis to communicate with the applications. PaaS providers provide various programming pros and cons of paas languages for the developers to develop the applications. Some popular programming languages provided by PaaS providers are Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl, and Go.

Application frameworks

Cloud computing also provides businesses with greater accessibility and collaboration potential than ever before. The more important the cloud is to your business, the more devastating a sudden provider shutdown will prove. This problem is magnified by the issue of cloud vendor lock-in, where migrating from one cloud vendor to another is difficult and expensive. Security is one area where determining cloud computing advantage and disadvantages depends on the angle from which you look at the issue. Security, at one level, is an advantage of cloud computing for the reasons discussed above.

This model of cloud computing is, perhaps, the most advantageous for creative developers and companies that need custom solutions. The low-level work is done by professionals and numerous tools are available and ready to operate, which saves time. Developers, in turn, are free to create their own software and don’t depend on providers in this regard.

Top 5 Disadvantages of PaaS Platforms:

One of the biggest drawbacks of PaaS is that the user is highly dependent on the vendor’s infrastructure and software. Consequently, it may find itself linked to a particular seller without the possibility of changing it. Currently, around half of the revenue comes from North America, while Europe takes a quarter of the market. According to Statista, the public cloud Platform as a Service market worldwide has been growing in the last few years. The cloud is not one thing, but rather a term that describes a computing model consisting of many parts.

disadvantages of platform as a service

On the other hand, your business will still be governed by the provider’s functional capabilities, speed and reliability. That’s why it’s very important to be confident in your business partner and be prepared for some unforeseen circumstances that may happen to even the most reliable provider. At the very least, you should perform your own data backup, for your peace of mind. If you deploy your app on a self-built stack, you should keep in mind all components that need to be updated and re-integrated from time to time to keep pace with your competitors. The main risk of this approach is that you may miss out on the latest improvements and new features and end up in working on an outdated stack or, worse yet, facing security issues. Whether you’re looking to work in cloud computing or simply want to increase your knowledge on the subject, be sure to check out our other cloud computing resources.

Advantages of PaaS

When you opt for cloud computing, all the service-related technicalities are taken care of by the cloud service provider. In the case of a disaster, even if the host server fails, the data can easily be transitioned to other available servers. The cloud service providers abide by the signed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure timely assistance to your business needs. Programmers want to focus on code – not on building and maintaining infrastructure. Offered via a cloud service provider’s hosted infrastructure, PaaS users are traditionally able to access a software development platform via a web browser. Easy access
to a suite of development tools means programmers can program – and businesses can quickly deploy new applications.

disadvantages of platform as a service

This is extremely lucrative for users as they don’t need to purchase dedicated hardware and customize its components. In fact, clients can easily install their application into the virtual machine of the vendor that provides functionality very similar to physical data hub. Many organizations benefit from the agility, scale, and pay-per-use billing that cloud services offer. However, as with any infrastructure service, the suitability of cloud computing for your specific use case should be assessed in a risk-based evaluation. Build in time for research and planning to understand how the cloud will affect your business.

Advantages of PaaS disadvantages of PaaS

The most common case is that it hands over minimal control to the customer, and their access is limited to the applications, tools, and data that is loaded on the server. The worst-case scenario is when they impose limits on what customers can do with their deployments. IaaS is a cloud computing service where cloud providers deliver and manage virtualized computing infrastructure over the internet. Instead of creating an in-house IT infrastructure, businesses can access essential resources, such as operating systems, networking, storage space, development tools, etc., on demand. This saves hardware and software costs as well as minimizes the burden of IT staff. Your company may not be leveraging the expanding benefits of cloud services and applications.

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